Berkah Deflasi: Menjaga Ekspektasi dalam Perspektif New Keynesian Phillips CurveDeflasi biasanya dianggap sebagai kabar buruk dalam perekonomian. Penurunan harga secara umum sering dikaitkan dengan pelemahan daya beli…Oct 3, 2024Oct 3, 2024
Defisit pemerintah menciptakan surplus sektor swastaDefisit dalam Perspektif Post-KeynesianOct 1, 2024Oct 1, 2024
Not Trilemma or Dilemma but No ChoiceIn the international economics literature, the concept of the trilemma, or “impossible trinity,” has long been a cornerstone for…Jun 18, 2024Jun 18, 2024
Quasi Market ShareIn recent decades, the Islamic finance sector has experienced significant growth, particularly in countries with a majority Muslim…Jun 3, 2024Jun 3, 2024
Minsky’s Financial Instability Hypothesis and Its Connection to the 2008 Financial CrisisMinsky’s Financial Instability Hypothesis presents a unique perspective on the dynamics within the capitalist financial system. Minsky…Sep 14, 2023Sep 14, 2023
A trade-off between Unemployment and InflationWhy is there a trade-off between Unemployment and Inflation? In the Phillips curve, an increase in Aggregate Demand (AD) will cause the…Feb 11, 2023Feb 11, 2023
Decentralized FinanceThe most effective solution for reducing inequality is to establish an inclusive financial system. Unfortunately, around a third of adults…Feb 11, 2023Feb 11, 2023